Gabriele Steindl: Professional Kitesurfer & Freelance Writer - Action, Lifestyle & Travels

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The REEL Leash

The REEL Leash

Ok folks, as I’ve had a couple of serious ‘kitemares’ out in big waves over the years and also out of curiosity & interest, I decided to give the “REEL Leash” by Oceanus Technologies Inc. a shot:

Although, I certainly DO NOT preach “use a leash in the waves”   –   not AT ALL folks !!  even more certain must not the REEL replace learning the skill to body drag upwind perfectly before even thinking of heading out into any kind of waves  –   though, there  i s  situations where a leash can be helpful:  such as in big waves, places with an extremely strong current or many ‘evil’ big fish (cause body-dragging around in shark-infested waters is kind of turning into a human lure).    Me personally, I spend a lot of time in  a l l  of those places:  big waves with strong current and big fish… therefore I decided to give the Reel Leash® a go.

The Reel Leash® is a rectractable leash in a lightweight plastic housing which contains a stainless steel spring and spool of webbing with a stainless steel snap hook.  This releases the webbing out up to 10′, with enough torque from the spring system to control/eliminate slack – and the board sling shooting back toward the kiter. It’s definitely safer than traditional tubular leashes in the sense that when separated from the board, the board will safely fall away from the kiter and cannot come back at you like a catapult (which is GREAT news !!). However, please also keep in mind that unlike a surfboard leash, the REEL is basically unbreakable due to its nylon webbing.

Leash webbing stays coiled away in the housing and out of the way. Reel Leash® won’t drag in the water, wrap around the kiter or board, or get caught between toes or under the feet while moving around on the board.  The Reel is simply fixed on the harness and exists in several different kinds. The one to go for is the one that also has a Quick Release Clip for easy clip-on / clip-off to your harness but most importantly for safety in case you want to get rid of it fast in case of an emergency.

My verdict: I was certainly very, very positively impressed with the REEL, its operation & performance and will definitely use the REEL in really big waves, heavy current, and shark infested waters. Like everything in life: it has its pros and cons.  Please evaluate for yourself the benefits and potential dangers in relation to the necessity and situation. There’s absolutely no doubt that the REEL is a super handy tool and every kiter would benefit from having one, at its time & place.

Be careful out there & have fun!
And please feel free to email me with your questions anytime, I always love to hear from you and strive to help you as much as I can to be safe on the water with a MAXIMUM of stoke  🙂  !
Yours Gabi