Gabriele Steindl: Professional Kitesurfer & Freelance Writer - Action, Lifestyle & Travels

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Driving around my beloved Western Australia, pretty much each day at some point I get this rush and deep feeling of happiness to be such a lucky chick privileged to be surrounded by this incredible presents of Mother Nature all around.   Yeah, this continent is certainly blessed and I reckon me too 🙂  !

Nature is incredible and its power endless…    NATURE is MY LIFEFORCE and full of energy !!

I simply love all presents of Mother Earth:  trees, lakes, flowers, mountains, the sun, the moon, stars…  and feel a particularly strong connection with the Ocean, yeah in fact it reflects my life-philosophy:  The ‘MANA OF THE OCEAN’ an infinite force and abundance of wisdom that teaches us about life (…if we’d only listened !?) and the wave-like nature of our existence.

I interpret the Ocean as symbol of life  –   its peaks and troughs, its sets and lulls, the tide’s ebb and flow just like our daily being.  “Nothing in life can be forced, you have to wait for your wave patiently, there is a time for everything to happen, get in touch with the pulse of the planet instinctively, be fully present in the moment and enjoy the ride when your wave comes…

To ride a wave is an instantaneous meditation and requires 100% focus, a sense of serenity and commitment without any worries about the future or the past!”.

In this spirit, I will now go outside, look for a beautiful tree and hug it 🙂   or some sweet swell to ride 🙂  hihihihi, yeah, try it, it’s good !!  Sing, smile at the sun, dance in the rain or just sit there, look at any present of Mother Nature and try to calm ur thoughts… It’s important to peace the mind in the crazy and busy World that we live in today !!  Or another great option:  go snorkeling, snorkeling is THE BEST !! Yeah, the underwaterworld is so full of joy and amazing stuff, for example the shot with the dolphines in the photo gallery I have taken myself in Mauritius snorkeling 🙂  I am also a passionate diver and my dive log counts hundreds of dives, however, snorkeling can be at least as good, give it a shot mates, I’m sure u’ll gonna luv it !

Check out all the photos in the gallery on the left, showing a few photo-impressions of mine that I try to call up in my mind to chill it out when it’s running too hot… also: find more of my thoughts in my blog-category: ‘SOULWAVE’.

Enjoy & Carpe Diem !
Yours Gabi