Gabriele Steindl: Professional Kitesurfer & Freelance Writer - Action, Lifestyle & Travels

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Margaret River, the Hawaii of W.A.

Margaret River, the Hawaii of W.A.

I’ve been waiting for this day for a loooong time, F I N A L L Y  I am in Margaret River!

Margaret River and sourroundings offer certainly some of Australia’s best waves and thus surfing mit almost uncountable breaks, crystal clear blue waters and white beaches. The climate is pleasant all year round, which made Margaret River to one of Australia’s top wine-growing regions!   Margaret’s is a true ’surf town’ and only every fifth car that’s driving around doesn’t have a surfboard on the roof!

Margaret River’s ’Main Break’ is one of Australia’s best waves and internationally known as the premier big wave of the area. A big peak that almost always has a wave. Can get 20ft + on big days. Pretty much every day one will see local surfers getting barrelled here!  Main Break is not only popular amongst surfers, it’s kind-a-tourist-attraction as well as it’s situated right along some nice kliffs on top of which one has a perfect view over the action in the break. Tourist busses stop here, people getting off the bus, starring down and taking a tourist-shot of the surf…too funny!  During big swell days, main break can get rather busy. Those days surfers, windsurfers and kitesurfers, all at the same time and at the same spot try to get their wave-fix and not rarely there’s some disagreements as to who has the right of way…  Just a couple of days ago a surfer decided to jump off his surfboard, way out there at main break, and to jump onto the back of a kitesurfer who had ignored the right of way, stealing the priority off the surfer! Yep, it’s war zone out there, so make sure you know what you’re doing and please stick to the rules in the surf!!

I   l o v e  this place, kitesurfing main break is unreal and the natural beauty around is simply mindblowing.

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PHOTOS BY : Gabi Steindl