Gabriele Steindl: Professional Kitesurfer & Freelance Writer - Action, Lifestyle & Travels

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The Art of Adapting

The Art of Adapting

Finally the day is here and I can share with all of you what has been brewing in the making for a fair while 🙂

I’m super pumped to present to you “The Art of Adapting”, my personal chapter in the “Write Your Own Chapter” Web Series presented by ION.

“The Art of Adapting” serves as a beautiful reminder that in life, just like in the surf, it’s all about impermanence and constantly adapting to the surge of always changing and unpredictable conditions as they arise. Navigating the ebbs and flows, embracing, and thriving on the continuous change of the colors on our canvas of life with its associated highs and lows, is an adventure in itself. 

Treat yourself and watch the episode in a relaxed moment.

Seek your Freedom and #writeyourownchapter

Enjoy, I hope you like it and please do send me your feedback, I’d love to hear from you 🙂

Biiiiig kangaroo hugs,

Gabi xx

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