Gabriele Steindl: Professional Kitesurfer & Freelance Writer - Action, Lifestyle & Travels

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Kitesurfing in bikinis?

Katie Dupont

Kitesurfing in bikinis?

Have you ever gone kitesurfing in a bikini and experienced a mishap? Last week a guy-friend and i went kiting together so I decided I wanted to look sexy and wore only very short boardshorts, a waist harness and a bikini top. I live in a beach town where the water is really warm. But anyway, I got totally wiped out and my bikini twisted to the side. I didn’t realize this until I got back up onto the board and felt the difference, but right then we were facing each other as my friend stopped close to where I wiped out to see if he could help… Obviously I fixed up matters as quickly as I could (whilst still keeping the kite in air, I wanted to escape this horribly embarrasing situation in the fastest way possible…) riding away from my friend’s wiiiide grin. Do you ever kite in a bikini, I’m sure for photoshoots you have to do that? Is there a secret or perhaps even some special kite-bikinis, just like there are sport bras for athletes?

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Is the board I am using ok?

John Alter

Is the board I am using ok?

I have never kitesurfed before and have recently done an introductory course. Now I want to practise and progress as fast as possible. For that I’m using a friends old board. It’s a custom board, 124 cm x 36cm. My friend is rather short and a real lightweight, whereas me, I’m 188cm and weigh 90kgs. I am finding it really hard compared to the board that we used in the course but this one was huge and a true beginners-ship, something like 165cm long! My friend reckons the best for me would be something like 135cm x 40cm but I wanted some second opinion. Thanks!

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What’s the best wind to learn in?

Thomas Bauer

What’s the best wind to learn in?

I’m a bit confused. One of my friends learnt kitesurfing in one week in about 30 knots, another had an accident in those conditions as the power of his kite took him away..!? Then again my brother swears he leanrt upwind riding in a few days, because he was so overpowered he only had to lean back, edge hard and focus on holding the rail of his board. Who and what shall I believe? What kite shall I buy and where to go?

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Energy food for the water

Ruth Lancaster

Energy food for the water

When engaging in water sports I am quite sensitive with the food that I have in my stomache. What’s the best food? What will keep energy levels up for the longest time with the least chance of ‘revolting’ (pain, acid regurgation etc.)?

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stephan riess

Stephan Riess

Where’s the best spot to learn how to kitesurf?

What’s the best spot to learn how to kitesurf?

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