Gabriele Steindl: Professional Kitesurfer & Freelance Writer - Action, Lifestyle & Travels

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Wie auf Discovery Channel

Wie auf Discovery Channel

May I present, hot off the press: The June issue of the Austria’s prestigious “Sportmagazin”, my home turf’s premier sports-publication!

Monthly published the Sportmagazine covers the highlights of sporting events and top-athletes all around the globe.

This year’s June issue is a “special” one:

It’s the BIG 25 YEAR ANNIVERSARY ISSUE, featuring a time travel – superstars, magic moments, top events since 1988 –  packed with super interesting features and absolutely breathtaking photos.  It’s a great pleasure and real honour to  be part of it!

“Like on Discovery Channel” is the English translation of the article by deputy editor-in-chief Hannes Kropik. A beautiful feature about my adopted home-base in down under: Western Australia. Having traveled the world for nearly two decades, I feel privileged living here today. To tell you the honest truth, I couldn’t think of a place I’d rather be!  What a lucky girl I am 🙂

Read the full article online by clicking on the thumbnails of the magazine pages below or download the PDF right at the very bottom of this page!

Gabi X

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NAME : Sportmagazin



CATEGORIES : travel stories

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  • Wie auf Discovery Channel -> photo 1
  • Wie auf Discovery Channel -> photo 2
  • Wie auf Discovery Channel -> photo 3
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